Monday, December 01, 2008

My Cat Monday: Nick

Our visit to the vet last week didn’t bring good news on Nick, our sick cat: seems his “numbers” are still bad. But he’s eating again, and they say that cats can live for a long time with kidney problems, so we’re hoping Nick has many years ahead of him. Here’s a photo of Nick being bad, up on the table. But then, what cat can resist a box?

Nick is a real sweetheart, but he’s also one of those cats who’s so dumb he’s always good for a laugh. For some reason, he likes to paw at the floor when he drinks. Only, sometimes he’ll forget and paw at the floor with both front feet at the same time, with the result that he pitches headfirst into his water bowl. His nicknames are Velcro, Duffus, Bubba, and Nicholas Pee Cat (the latter earned when he first encountered my Big Bad Huckleberry, and was so terrified that he, well, peed. A lot.)

Steve and I have a blended cat family. When we married five years ago, he had three cats (Nick, Nora, and Press), and I had two (Huckleberry and Thomasina). Since then we’ve acquired one half-dead stray, BC (now no longer a stray and very fat) and my mother’s cat, Angel (named after the vampire). When my mom and Angel moved in with us this last summer, Nick, Nora, and BC went with my daughter, Sam, to live in my mom’s house. But we still consider all seven our cats (and have the vet bills to prove it!)

Here’s a photo of BC (Bad Cat, Black Cat, Baby Cat—take your pick), our latest addition and another sweetheart, cuddling his sick friend.

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Blogger Charles Gramlich said...

Is he cuddling a sick friend? Or waiting for said friend to die so he can dine? Sorry, I'm rather mistrustful of cat motives. They may be cute but their mental systems are alien.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Barbara Martin said...

Charles has forgotten cats are independent and think on a slightly different wavelength than humans.

Nick is a wonderful looking cat: look at those white forepaws!

I love cats except I'm allergic to their dander; so I've gone to the next less allergic causing critters: birds--5 lovebirds and 2 senegals. Not a good combo with cats, I'm afraid. I can see a crouching, ever so slowly moving one cramped step at a time with a tail tip that twitches.

3:30 PM  
Blogger Steve Malley said...

Midge seems to approve. She chose this time to climb up and step on some keys...

That, or she's jealous I'm looking at another cat. Hard to say.

Come to think of it, it's screwing up those kinds of signals made my love life what it once was...

2:22 AM  

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